Sizes 9", 10", 11"
Anklet 151 Dangling Stars Link Choose Size and Finish Below
Your quality crafted RAH Fashions jewelry is 100% GUARANTEED against any and all defects. Your Gold or Rhodium (silver finish) jewelry is layered and bonded over a heart of semi-precious metals. Each item is GUARANTEED for LIFE for the original purchaser. Each purchased item will receive a Certificate with instructions should you need to use your guarantee.
WORRY FREE replacement guarantee. We don't care how your jewelry got damaged. So you'll never have to explain. Example: Your changing clothes and got your chain caught in that hoodie and broke/bent the closure (lobster claw), YOUR ITEM IS COVERED under our LifeTime Guarantee!
Mild detergents (such as Dawn Dish Soap) and warm water are the best way to clean your Rah Fashions Jewelry, as well as all jewelry. Dawn is a degreaser which gently removes skin oils, dirt and grime, lotion residue, etc..